Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Emerging Technology 3: VODCASTING ... or PODCASTING part 1! :)

Started: March 17, 2010

LOL... I think both of these terms are extremely unique. For Module 5 in my Computers in Education we are having to do what is known to be a POD or VOD cast. I have thought about doing these types of things before, but I have never tried it in my actual classes. Well, because it is my assignment, I brought out the old digital camera today and I am going to try a VOD cast. I decided to go ahead and write my Emergine Technology post now, and follow up with how it went after I try this in the next couple of days.

I was talking with one of the art teachers at my school and she said that she was going to try a VOD cast with her class while teaching the concept of clay. She did not want to constantly be redoing things or trying to make up for erros during the class presentation, so she decided she wanted to put her clay persentation on a VOD cast. She wants her students to see what they are supposed to do the first time, not wait for errors or any other interruptions.

I have decided to do my VOD cast on introducing an Internet Scavenger Hunt.

EDIT March 29, 2010

I have spent an entire week working on my VOD cast. I have taped my VOD cast six times...count them...SIX! And none of them will download. This leads me to question...am I doing this right??????? I have taped it on a Flip Camera, and then I did three more takes on my digital camera. So then I spend tons of time trying to download my video and it won't work! I can't get it to download to My Resources on Oncourse.

Now, I realize MILLIONS of people know how to POD cast and VOD cast, and have NO issue what so ever. So this leads me to wonder, do I need a better form of technology? Do I have the right hardware to allow me to VOD cast?

I work in an urban school district. While we have been blessed with many grants, it still does not mean that we have every new piece of technology at our fingertips. So, in my Emerging Technology 3 post, I come to you with frustration. I was so looking forward to being able to do my VOD cast, and now I'm let down. And what makes it worse is I don't have any leads towards any answers.

I. need. help. fast. All suggestions are welcome.

EDIT March 30, 2010

Ok. I came back to say that it still isn't working. However, I want to give my opinion on VOD casting. I actually really appreciate this technology. I have done several studies using VOD casting. However, when I actually try to do one myself it becomes FRUSTRATING! Yes, I know all CAPS...but I can't help it. I just wish that I could use this technology to help my students.

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