Monday, April 19, 2010

Emerging Technology 4: Prezi

I discovered Prezi through my other IU class. We had to find a new technology, and someone in my class (probably my Professor) found Prezi. I have found Prezi to be a great way to create tutorials. I am not a fan of it when it comes to creating class presentations. Not everyone is able to see what you have written and not everyone is familiar enough with it to understand how it works. (Please go to this website). Once you are in the website you need to create an account, then you can create your first Prezi presentation.

There is a tutorial on how to create a presentation in Prezi, and I would fully recommend using it. To be honest with you, I have used that tutorial MULTIPLE times.

If I had to rank this technology compared to power point I would give it an 8 out of 10. It is a great modern technology that we can use and teach our kids. However, I will say it is difficult to learn for us who are say, technology immigrants. However, for our digital natives, it will probably only take them five minutes to get it down pat! :D